Focus & Flow – Guided Meditation in English

März, 2025

13Mrz17:3018:30Focus & Flow - Guided Meditation in EnglishThursday, 17:30-18:30hRauhensteingasse 4/2, 1010 Wien

Termin Detail

Focus on being mindful and enjoy the flow of the present moment.
Breathe… Let go of your daily to-dos and focus on being fully present in the here & now. Start your evening with a mindful break and shift your focus from doing to being. Activating and relaxing mindfulness exercises set the mood for a guided, focus centered meditation. Each session focuses on a different theme to inspire you to find your own mindful flow.

The meditation is guided and suitable for beginners as well. You can meditate sitting, standing or lying down. Focus & flow mindfully into the evening with a guided meditation in a calm and relaxing atmosphere.

You can expect:
– Inspiration and sharing of experiences in the group
– Mindfulness exercises to activate your (body) awareness
– Guided meditations with different focus centered techniques

Thursday, 13.03.2025

Instructor: Christine Hudetz
Course Fee: € 20.-  / Studierende/Sozialtarif € 15.-

About the meditation teacher:
The joy of being in the present moment has been a constant in Christine’s life since a young age. Christine found her way to formal meditation practice in 2018. Shortly afterwards, the journey with Meditas began: from joining meditation courses as a student to becoming a certified meditation teacher in 2023-2024. As a meditation teacher, Christine now leads guided meditation and mindfulness sessions at Meditas. Christine is fluent in English and German.


(Donnerstag) 17:30 - 18:30


Meditas Meditationszentrum

Rauhensteingasse 4/2, 1010 Wien

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